Let's Start to use KeyHub

Welcome to KeyHub! It is the best app to create and manage your passwords, simple and secure. Here you can check all the possiblities with this app. Following you will find some instructions to use the application, don't worry is really simple.

Generate random password: When you click this button, KeyHub automatically generate a complex and random password for you, this is useful when the platform that you're registering ask for diferent types of caracters and lenght, and you are too busy to think something difficult. ¿Is not cool?

Type your own password: When you click this button, KeyHub open a textbox where you can type any password you already have or a new one you like to create, if you have something in mind this is your button.

(+) Options: ¿Is the lenght not enough? ¿Need strange characters? ¿Capital letters? In this section you can set up all those caracteristics of your new password, just tap on "(+) Options" and select your configuration, then click "Generate random password" and automaticaly the new password have those caracteristics.

Save: When you have already create your new password to save, click on "Save" button and the app will ask you for a "Tag" to save it. This is just the name which the password will appear inside the list of "My Passwords", choose something you can remember but not too much explicit, just in case somebody see your list when you are checking out your list, for example the Tag "Personal Mail" should work for your Gmail account. If you still have doubts about the "Tag" go to ¿What Is a Tag? Section and consult deeply how it works.

Done! it's that simple, now you can go to "My Password" section and check out at any time all your passwords, you won't have a headache thinking about your passwords, go to KeyHub and problem resolved.